My name is Janeth Benjamin, and I am The Miki Chronicles.
I am a freelance writer specializing in content creation, Social Security brief writing. blogging, and poetry. I currently live in the Bronx, NYC, and the curator and creator of designs showcased in my online store.
I was first introduced to poetry at the age of 7 and became an award-winning poet at various levels through the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission. Despite staying away from competition in high school, I kept my love for poetry alive and started writing a the age of 17. I started blogging in 2014 in an attempt to document and share my experiences, observations, and general ideas about love, life, and relationships. I encourage exploring all sides of being a black woman and in 2018, I started The Miki Effect, another blog, about embracing black beauty and the dope black woman.
Over the years, I shared my poetry with friends and family which was well-received. So, on my 30th birthday, I decided to finally publish a book. Bloom by 30, The Miki Chronicles, was published a year later and was a journey that made me realize that writing was my true passion. The book was a dedication to my growth and included poems I had written since I was a teenager.
Things have changed tremendously since then. An unexplainable but completely welcoming burst of passion has taken over. I am here ready and willing to share what I've learned in the past few years, in love, out of love, finding my passion, my relationship with God, pursuing the art of writing, and being a positive light in the universe.
I am here to motivate and help anyone willing to push through circumstances and passionately pursue their purpose. I will be sharing my stories through, poetry, blogging, and conversation. I hope the lessons I learned and continue to learn will impact someone, somewhere. I hope my message is filled with love. I welcome comments, suggestions, and just all the love and light you have to give.
If you ever find yourself, moved, just a little by a few scattered words, ponder those words.